Episode 2: Leah Hazard on changing career after having her first child


The Wintering Sessions with Katherine May:
Episode 2: Leah Hazard on changing career after having her first child

This week, I talk to Leah Hazard, NHS midwife extraorinnaire and author of Hard Pushed, part memoir of Leah’s life on the labour ward, and part exploration of the current state of the profession.


Leah is as funny, wise and warm in person as she is in print, and she talks about the life-changing decision to leave her TV career and train to be a midwife, and the moment when the stress became too much during one very busy night on the ward.

You can find Leah on Twitter @hazard_leah and Instagram @leahhazard. Hard Pushed is out now in paperback.

To keep up to date with The Wintering Sessions, follow Katherine on Twitter or Instagram. Wintering, the book on which this podcast is based, is out now in hardback.

Wintering is out now in the UK, and publishes in the US in December.


Episode 3: Catherine Cho on postpartum psychosis


Episode 1: Penny Wincer on being a carer twice over